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Artista en su estudio

How to be part of Nebleo art gallery ?.

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How to start selling your work from the visualization of art ?.


About us


Nebleo art and function is a digital platform that addresses issues of art and culture, history and opinion mainly, the project was born in 2016 with the aim of spreading and enriching the cultural and artistic context, forming a platform mainly for emerging art, Likewise, the project offers a wide range of topics of interest supported by a vision of social cohesion within today's society. Nebleo "art and function" is an independent project with no government or private budget.



What is Nebleo art and art gallery function "art visualization"?

Nebleo art and function presents its virtual gallery around a new model of visualization of art, unique in its kind, based on the premises of the artist, poet and founding director of Nebleo “art and function, Fernando Nebleo, the gallery opens towards the possibilities of new art and the artists of the present and the future, starting from the argument of the function of art within the human conception, we delve into the reason and importance of the visualization and contemplation of art, the original way of appreciating the pictorial in all his ability being created for this in the foreground. That is why Nebleo art and function is given the task of creating a space where both the emerging and consolidated artist can not only exhibit and disseminate their work, but also generate a sale, not based on the physical object in the first instance, but generating an economy around the visualization of art, the piece as the central axis in its contemplation; managing to glimpse a new form of economy and solvency for the visual artist of today, in this way it is intended to generate development and creativity in a broader way, creating a base that relies heavily on their work and talent, enriching all the forms of art of our times.


This in turn proposes generating a new conception of art around its function in society in the medium and long term, increasing its capacity and giving it again the purchasing power within a disproportionate market, where the artist is the architect of his own destiny. .

Carrying out this project not only corresponds to Nebleo "art and function" and the team that represents it, it is the task of every art lover, gallery owner, collector, artist, critics, teachers, etc., to carry out this initiative that seeks broadening the horizons of our thought and being able to evolve in a world of continuous changes, it is time for art again.



What do you need to be part of the virtual gallery?



1 - Be a visual artist and author of the work (s) to be presented.

2 - Both emerging and established artists can be part of the gallery.

3 - Artists of all nationalities can be part of the gallery.







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