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Nebleo, Artist and philosopher born in Mexico City, self-taught and energetic in his stroke, has forged his path in art through painting, starting professionally since 2013, he has participated in both collective and individual exhibitions both nationally and internationally, obtaining in 2015 the special award of the international competition "Graines d artistes du monde entier" in Troyes France.


Nebleo takes art from the material aspect to the spirit of philosophy, opening the doors to the potential of art today, alluding to the essence of its purpose around identity and self-knowledge. Deriving from this the projects of Nebleo art and function, Transmutation Magazine and Nebleo the kingdom of the dragon, site of society and culture.



In a certain sense, I have thought of the constant of art as a path around both physical and spiritual variants, with feelings and sensations being the bridge between these two worlds, beauty as tireless search, because beauty cannot be anything other than what is true, here it will be necessary to understand this purpose not only in the merely physical and palpable by the senses, but as the lights of the virtues and ideals of being, that which exalts the hero of his numerous trials, the wielding maiden of virginal purity, the misunderstood villain who has stolen the fire of the gods' suspicion, the mother forged of nobility in the love of the grail, as well as death in thermopiles.

Definition of art


Often the verdict is a great confusion, but personally art is nothing other than the wisdom of identity, who can decipher who it is, will be able to know what its purpose in life is, true power emanates from the name, because It is no coincidence that the great civilizations around history have something in common, they all had the virtue of a great art.






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